An upward looking ADCP was moored on the bottom at station OB27 in Onslow Bay, North Carolina at 27 m depth on the continental shelf. The instrument has been deployed since April 20, 2000 with occasional gaps for recovery and calibration. The data are sampled over one minute periods every 5 minutes, so the sample interval is 5 minutes. The data file pointed to above is further averaged in one hour intevals using a 13 point Hanning filter. Depth bins are one meter. The first bin is centered at 24.5 m depth and subsequent bins are spaced at one meter intervals above that. The last couple of bins are "above the surface", and so are not useful.
Processing was done by Frederick M. Bingham, a professor of phyics at UNC Wilmington. Raw ADCP files were extracted from the instrument, exported to MATLAB and different deployments concatenated. Data have only been minimally quality controlled.
This metadata record describes a cleaned up version. Raw data downloaded directly from the instrument are available in the same directory either as MATLAB .mat files, or as even more unprocessed *.000 RD Instruments raw binary files.