Organization: CORMP Region: U.S. East Coast, North Carolina, Onslow Bay Deployment dates: 13-Jan-2004 to 08-Mar-2004 Instrument: RDI Workhorse 600kHz ADCP Sampling rate: 300 seconds Latitude: -77.353 degrees Longitude: 33.993 degrees Depth: 30m Altitude above sea floor: 2m Bin 1 distance: 2m Bin size: 1m Correlation threshold: 64 Magnetic Declination Input: 8 Number of bins: 25 Pings per ensemble: 30 Instrument serial num: NA Unit for currents: m/s Column 1-6 is the time in UTC in this order, yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss Column 7 is the instrument-measured pressure in dbars column 8 is the first velocity bin. Subsequent columns are velocity bins with increasing distance from sea bed. The top row is estimated water depth (m) of the corresponding bin. Columns 1-7 are -9999 Data flagged as bad, or non-existant values are indicated by -9999